(Privacy policy in compliance with art. 13 Legisl. Decree No. 196/2003)
We inform you that the data given to the website manager compiling the “contact form” (also known as form mail) of the website itself, will be treated in respect of the disposition of Legisl. Decree No. 196/2003, Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali.
The contact form that could be found on the website is made to make website visitors able to contact, whenever they want it, the website manager, sending an email to the website manager via that form.
This policy is about personal data sent by the website visitor in the moment of contact form filling.
We inform you that the data that you give voluntarily via the form will be transformed into an email that will eventually be stored inside the email receiving system used by the manager of the website.
These data will not be recorded on any other support or device, nor any other data from your navigation will be recorded.
Finality of personal data treatment are the following:
Data sent by you will be used at the only purpose of eventually contact you back by the references given by you via the contact form to answer question or give information asked by you and sent with the contact form found on the website.
a. Personal data under treatment will be exclusively common data strictly required and relevant to the finality of previous point 1.
b. Treatment of given personal data is made by the operations or group of operations indicated by art. 4 comma 1 lett. a) Legisl. Decree No. 196/2003.
c. Treatment is made directly by the organization of the website owner.
You may freely decide to provide personal data required by the contact form to the website manager.
Failure to provide the said data might only make it impossible for the request to be processed.
Personal data collected through the contact form will be send via email to the website manager, who will be holder of the data.
Subjects to whom the personal data refers are entitled, at any moment, to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of the said data, and to know the contents and origin, check accuracy and request an integration, update or correction (art. 7 of Legisl. Decree No. 196/03).
Pursuant to the same article, the user is entitled to request deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law and, in any case, to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons.
Personal data treatment process will last no longer than the time needed by the finality of data collection.